Monday, October 17, 2011


Number 647 is a combination of the energies and influences of number 6 and number 4, and the vibrations of the mystical number 7. Number 6 brings its attributes of love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, dignity, grace and gratitude, responsibility, compassion and compromise, provision and providing and the material aspects of life. Number 6 also relates to finding solutions to problems. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, the energies of the ArchangelsNumber 7 is the number of philosophy and the philosophical, thoughtfulness and understanding others, discernment, deep contemplation, introspection, manifesting and manifestation, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, empathic and psychic abilities.  

Angel Number 647 indicates that you are on the right life path and are doing very well on all levels. You have worked hard, achieved a great deal and are resonating with your true soul mission. Your strong connection with the angelic realm has allowed you to receive clear Divine guidance, and you have taken appropriate action as guided. Your angels offer you their ‘congratulations’ and urge you to continue on your current path. Call upon the angels for guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need and trust that you are supported, encouraged and loved.
Angel Number 647 encourages you to balance your physical, material and spiritual lives. Focus upon your spirituality and on living a conscientious and purposeful lifestyle as this will ensure that you will be provided with all that is required upon your path. If you want good in your life you must do good in your life.

Angel Number 647 may also be telling you that if you are considering expanding or beginning a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or heart-based project or venture, the angels will support and encourage you towards achieving success. You will need to put in some hard work and effort, but you will find long-term rewards and benefits for yourself and for those whom you serve. Ask for angelic guidance when feeling any doubts or fears as to your path.

The angels encourage you to meditate in order to form a clear connection with your higher-self and your angels. Meditation is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and allow your own knowingness to come to the forefront.

Number 647 relates to number 8 (6+4+7=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



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  1. I always see the number 647. during the time even watching youtube video's the total minute count is 6:47. wonder if this counts.

  2. the numbers Not enough and no guidance .you do good action 'in life .Be grateful 'helpful'and lots of love for athers. ( Angels) wants this .and then they can help you all the way .I love angels I can see all numbers because I am hard worker people abuse me for chip job I was in tuf life some times start crying and suddenly number ((((39))) papers and I find that website and now I know thay helping me my jobs become gold . the angels come to help us because we start to do good things for all the humanity not for $$$$$$..good luck for every once and thanks angels.

    1. ....maaa tooooo braatee amkire !!! :)) Nebojลกa

  3. The Atheists think they own this world and I know now why. Be still and open your eye. Look at the world as a whole and how it works. Having the so called Kundilini awakening recently via my psychotropic endeavours, i know about the serpent portal/pentacle/illuminati or whatever you call it. The nescient humans who stumble into it fall into it's deception like sheep. Keeping an innuendo that the Bible is true and knowing we are all connected, we can view this world as a training ground for a higher purpose whereby we simply win by just keeping faith in our Creator. Imagine a scenario where the 'antichrist' set into this world. How do you think it will respond When people begin to ask how why when?.. If you observe, the entertainment industry (e.g. American satan) reveals the whole truth of the prevalent evils of this world right at our faces and we simply brush it off like it's nothing dangerous. I hope we all eventually awaken before the end game.

    1. Hope is something when someone always have "white flag" in one hand as option in hard time situations..not very positive minded ,dangerous also.

  4. Thank you very much ๐Ÿ’— I am going to live my life balancing my physical, material, and spiritual life. I’m going to live my right doing what is right and work hard to build a foundation to start my calling spiritual career. ๐Ÿ˜Œ I’m so bless and super thankful that my angels will be offering guidance and assistance upon need. It mean the world to me and much more ❤️ may love and light be with you. Namaste ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  5. Beautiful. I needed this today. I was thinking about an oil my boss had given me, lavendar tea tree, and across the room my purse fell and the oil tumbled to the ground. My puppy brought it to my attention by trying to pick it up (she is for sure an angel of some sort of mine, it scares me sometimes) but I looked up and this was the time. 6:47 and I knew it had to mean something. I am trying to focus on spreading love light and positive energy. I am just struggling with figuring out how. I need to write a book and spread my story to help others. This is dead on and I am so grateful for this! Thank you for helping me start my day on a positive note๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’‹✌️

  6. Thank you for this ๐Ÿ’• I was laying in bed cuddling with my puppy thinking about an essential oil that my boss had purchased for me. Across the room, my purse fell over and the lavendar tea tree oil tumbled to the ground. My puppy made me aware by trying to pick it up (she is for sure a guardian angel of mine of some sort it is eerie sometimes) I looked up and this was the time. This is dead on. I am currently working at an acupuncture clinic and have been for some time. I love where this path is taking me. I am becoming healthier and more alive every day. I want to help to spread love and kindness. Share my story with the world to help others. I am going to make this world a better place... I just need to figure out how! I have this guidance and luck that follows me and I am aware of it every second of every day. My co worker is constantly commenting on my fortune. Ask and you shall receive is my best friend. I am abundant in all aspects of my life and I need to take the time to meditate to help me learn how to turn this in to something greater. How to spread this to others. I thank you for this greatly ✌️

  7. ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️๐Ÿคฒ♥️♥️♥️
    Grateful and blessed.
    Always in service.๐ŸŽˆ
    I follow my intuition. Your advice.♥️♥️♥️
    Much love and Light to everyone and all..♥️

  8. Thank you so much for this timely confirmation to my own thoughts. I've recently been told by a fellow indigo that I'm using my "ears to hear" wisely and purpusfuly. As I would . Always.♥️♥️♥️

  9. Thank you Jesus and to my angels

  10. I couldn't believe, i never comment on this message. Such a awesome text. Thank you Guardian Angels for your protection and guidance. #1Fan

  11. Thank you ๐Ÿงž‍♂️๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿฆ

  12. 647 has featured heavily in my life. I always see it. I don't know what that means

  13. Six Forty Seven - Instupendo brought me here

  14. 647 right now and a bird flew right by my window and days before was sitting on my window Seal๐Ÿ˜ญ

  15. Just as I woke up this morning, my Spirit guide told me to look at the time 6:47. Thank You! I am grateful, and this message is right on time as usual.
