Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Number 618 is a compilation of the attributes of number 6, the energies of number 1 and the vibrations of number 8. Number 6 resonates with the financial and wealth sectors of our life, provision and providing, love of home and family, domesticity, expressing gratitude and grace, nurturing and caring for others, empathy and sympathy, teaching others and finding solutions to problems. Number 1 lends its vibrations of creation, fresh starts and new beginnings, positivity and open-mindedness, attainment, fulfilment and success. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and action. Number 8 adds its energies of personal power and authority, manifesting material freedom and abundance, discernment and good judgement, dependability and self-confidence. Number 8 also resonates with the concept of karma, and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma (Cause and Effect).  

Angel Number 618 indicates that your positive affirmations and prayers have been heard, and your optimistic attitude noted by the angels. Follow your intuition and angelic guidance and take action accordingly. Trust that your beliefs, mind-set and actions will manifest abundant supply and your wants and needs will always be met. Look forward to new opportunities, positive changes and a steady supply of abundance and prosperity in your life and remember to be grateful for your blessings.

Angel Number 618 tells of self-management, good judgement and achieving success and abundance due to your personal efforts, intentions and actions. If you have been considering beginning or expanding your own business and/or income earning venture, now would be a good time to take positive steps in that direction. 

Recognize that you possess all the qualities needed to find personal success and fulfilment. Boldy step into your own power.

Number 618 relates to number 6 (6+1+8=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. See 618 all the time and that is my birthday... smilies

    1. Same here haha life is truly amazing!

    2. Me too!! I've been seeing it constantly almost every day for the past three plus years and it's also my birthday, so I didn't think much of it till it was all the time.

    3. Ditto, wow! I've been seeing my birthdate on many different clocks for approx. the last 3 or so years. 6/18/86

    4. Same here lol ♊♊♊

    5. Same here lol ♊♊♊

    6. My dad died 6.18.86 I always see 618. Almost everyday 2x a day. I believe he is always with me. :-)

    7. I see it all the time as well. And it is also my birthday.

    8. Oh my gosh me to and its also my birthday. 😮

    9. 6/18 is my birthday too! I started seeing this about 2 years ago. I also always see 11:11

    10. my bday and i always see it, too!!!! i love that others share this, so cool!!!

    11. Also my birthday! And also seeing it often! I love it!

  2. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

  3. I keep seeing this number. In digital clock when I wake up. Even in random places. I've been like this for several months now. I can see this number sometimes 3 times a day.

  4. I've been seeing this number for 8 years. What am I missing

  5. 10/25/52,my birthday....numbers involving around "7", "10" or other combos....does this have any significance? Gene J.

  6. I see 618 a lot on clocks or anything related to time. It's my son's birthdate.

  7. I wake up at 6:18 for the last 3 mornings. What does that mean?

  8. I wake up at 6:18 for the last 3 mornings. What does that mean?

  9. 618 is also the golden ratio number and my bday! Star of Bethlehem appeared 6-17-2015... I see this number daily years now just thought nothing of ir myself! Until it become repetive and with time... so I recently been researching numbers i am seeing repwtuve daily alot since 911 took PLACE... I discovered it is conne ted to creation and Fibonacci numbers as well it is the golden ratio number. Its in everything that God created PLUS Star of Bethlehem came JUNE 17-2015 as we know Holt days begin sundown prior evening! And im.born during tetrad of 1967-1968 six day was conception waa sukkot sept 23-1967 Another Holy day called day of Atonement! Is tied to birth of messiah.. virgo September 23- now add 9 months to birth of the seed., it is summer soltice June 18-21... see woman clothed with thy sun rev 12 on you tube... Queen Mary of Scotts is my sixth grandmother.. being Mary 1 she is... Elizabeth is my grandmothers not the False illuminati QUEEN trye Elizabeth Marys Mother.. may Elizabeth King James ismy fifth uncle and Captain John Smith as well...Im in the TRUE ROYAL ROOTS.. NOT FALSE THEY STOLED EVERYTHI.G THY DEVIL IS A THIEF THEY STOLE LAND FROM THE CHEEROKEE HIJACKED ALL IDENITY OF TRUE JOSEPH SMITH NOT THE FALSE MORMON WHO STOLE MY FATHERS MIDDLE NAMES.. CHRISTOPHER COLOMBUS Ws terrible he murdered many AND RAPED MANY CHILDREN GIRLS AND BOYS HE STOLE HISTORY FROM JOHN SMITH.. CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH SEE HIS HISTORY AND KING JAMES SMITHTRAIL.NET... ALL 12 DECIOLES RANS MURDERED EXCEPT JOHN.. SO WE ARE THE TWELCE TEIBES IS CONNECTED TO TWELVE DECIPLES AND TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS ARE THE TRIBES...I SEEK JUST GOD FOR ANSWERS NOT WIZARDS OR WARLOCKS OR ASTROLOGERS I SEEK ANSWERS IN THY HEAVENS ASTRONOMY BIBLCAL REFERENCE ONLY.. SEE BIBLICAL ASTRONOMY ON GEMINI SEE YOUTUBE 618 GOLDEN.RATIO WE ARE THE MESSSNGERS TWO WITTNESSS BRIDE PLANET JUNE WEDDINGS RING A BELL??? TWO WITTNESSS IN THY HEAVENS THY REEDEMER AS WELL JESUS LIVES INSIDE ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM.AND RECEIVE HIM HE IS THE ONLY WAY LIGHT AND TRUTH JOHN 14:6....JOHN 1:1 WORD WAS WITH MAN IN THE BEGINNING THAT IS GOD THE WORD THEN BECAME FLESH.. WHO WAS THE FIRST ONE TOO SEE JESUS AFTER HE ASCENDED UP TO HEAVE TO BE WITH HIS FATHER?? IT WAS MARY WOMAN... MAN WOMAN TWINNED AS ONE IN HOLY MARRIAGE JESUS GROOM FEMALE BRIDE.. TWO TWINNED AS ONE TWINS GEMINI REORSENT THAT THE WITTNESS TO THY MANS TESTMONY!!! ENJOY GREAT BLESSINGS ON ALL

  10. I see 618 a lot at times and for some reason I am obsessed with that number. Every time I see 618 I think of my ex. I don't know why but I do. Also his number starts with 618. But I can't figure out why I think of him when I see 618. I feel like 618 is a part of my life. 😊

  11. I have dreamed this number what does that mean

  12. I see 618 most every day sometimes twice a day. It's my birthday also!
    I wake up at 618, get in the car clock says 618, watch news my eyes see 618. It has been this way several years now.

  13. The funny thing 618 is my birthday mixed its really 816 ,but I see 618 everywhere I go when I see it thank god cause it reminds me he allowed us all to be here .Lol

  14. I see 618 everyday... I'm stunned about it

  15. My birthday is 06/18/67 I see it very often

  16. My birthday is 06/18 I see those numbers often just within the past two years though

  17. Mine is 6/18/1981...scary as much as I see it

  18. So do I and it’s also my birthday 6/18/77

  19. Grateful! Amen.
    Two taxi's taken, two different routes, two different destinations, the same fee £6.18
    Sending much love and light to everyone and all.🙌❤

  20. My birthday is also 6/18/77 & have been seeing this number several times a day for about the past 3 years consistently on any clock I glance at!!


  21. Me too my bdate is 6/18 and everyday i am seeing this number. Thats why im here...good to know others were experiencing the same.

  22. I wake up to this alarm on my phone every morning.

  23. Thank you... Angels . Angel number 618 is new to me... I always see 816 alot . #1 Fan

  24. This is crazy..... my birthday is 6-18-81. I have been seeing thus number over and over. I didn't that much of it because it is my birthday. Who is Angel number 618?? I have to know more.

  25. I see 6:18 nearly everyday I wake up 6:18. Get home from work it's 6:18. Look at the clock it's 8:16. And it's my birthday too !! I was just now watching the movie Greenland and when the family was watching the news report about the impacting comet on the TV it was 6:18!!! That was CRAZY!!

  26. 6:18 is also my birthday and I see 6:18 nearly everyday. I wake up at 6:18 get home from work at 6:18 catch myself even noticing 8:16 on the clock. Just now I was watching the movie Greenland and when the family was watching their TV announcing the comet strike it was 6:18!!!! I'm not kidding!!!

  27. i am crying rn .... this is the most powerful angel number i have read within the 4 years of my ascenscion process <3 618 guides us, thank you for the harmony within the all
