Monday, September 12, 2011


Number 469 is a compilation of the attributes of number 4, the vibrations of number 6 and the energies of number 9. Number 4 brings its influences of patience, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive and passion in life and the energies of the Archangels. Number 6 resonates with love of home, family and domesticity, business and material aspects, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, compromise, care and nurturing. Number 9 is the number of humanitarianism, the Universal Spiritual Laws, altruism and benevolence, inner-wisdom and a higher perspective, leading and teaching by positive example. Number 9 also relates to endings, closures and conclusions.

Angel Number 469 indicates that the angels are helping you with your material and monetary needs as you focus upon your life path and soul mission. Trust that as you work for the highest good for yourself and others you automatically manifest your ‘good’. Be open to receiving help and assistance (of all kinds) that will sustain and maintain you along your path. The angels give you courage and clarity about your lightworking destiny.

A phase of your life is about to end, and Angel Number 469 is a sign to give you forewarning so that you are able to prepare. Your angels ask you to ‘let go’ and ‘release the old’. It is a message that assures you that whatever leaves your life at this time will be replaced with ‘new’ and ‘better’. Be open to receiving all that you deserve as you are ready for an upgrade in your life.

Number 469 relates to number 1 (4+6+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Seeing this now ... :)

  2. This is so true bcs my TOB is a 469... And has 469 got something to do with Numerology? I've got a STRONG HUNCH that it is. Appreciate your miraculous divination. THANK YOU.

  3. I'm so so so grateful Universe thank you for everything

  4. Makes sense, this was the order number on my receipt from the last night I spent with the guy I thought was gonna be the one. I for sure was at all times selfless, reliable, and completely there for him! It’s better for me that it’s done but that doesn’t mean I’m not hurt and beyond disappointed! He wasn’t even man enough to end it & still has not!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This is so true because when I moved into my new home I saw the number 469 and since then my life has drastically changed for the better!

    1. Good to know I have my fingers crossed and begging for prayers to get excepted unit 469 I hope I have the positive you do if I got excepted

  7. I hope this is true because I need all the prayers I can get to be excepted to unit 469 with my housing voucher. I need this place. Got to get out of this domestically abusive situation. It’s difficult living with somebody with any addiction

  8. First time leaving a comment, but have referred to your blog posts for years now. They always seem to resonate the most out of the variety of angel number/repeating number explanation websites out there. Thank you for all the work you did on this. This one (469) really resonates with where I'm at right now. 🌻
