Saturday, September 17, 2011


Number 508 is a blend of the vibrations and attributes of number 5, the influences of number 0 and the energies of the powerful number 8. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness. Number 0 represents the Universal Energies, the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 8 brings it vibrations of manifesting wealth and abundance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and discretion, achieving success, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and serving humanity.  Number 8 is also the number of Karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 508 suggests that the changes you have made in your life (or are considering making) will ensure that positive abundance and prosperity will freely flow, ensuring and that all of your needs are taken care of. You are being fully supported, encouraged and guided by the angels through the important life changes you are experiencing. Trust that a steady flow of financial support and abundance will enter your life and expect wonderful blessings and rewards.

Angel Number 508 also tells you that making changes in regards to how you derive and/or earn an income will ensure future material and monetary success. This may involve changing your career, a promotion or new opportunities to expand your own business ideas. If you have been receiving intuitive messages, prompts and urges to begin your own spiritually based business, career or practice, now is a great time to start. Invest in yourself and your well-being to ensure that you are functioning at your optimum in all ways in your life.

We create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions, so use your personal strengths, a positive attitude and progressive action in order to reap rewards of all kinds in your life. When you are ready to make positive changes in your life, you attract whatever you need to help you.

Number 508 relates to number 4 (5+0+8=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. My wife saw this number on her wrist on the day of our wedding.

  2. real number, life is eternal

  3. This number was repeated over and over in my dreams.... I was like alright. So I looked in the bible scared the mess out of me and some how I was led here. I feel better...

  4. 508 just called me today. What should I do

  5. I see this often. It started about half through the year when I was considering taking classes to become a spiritual life coach. Synchro at it's best!

  6. This is my birth month and birthday day. U will use this to propel me forward. I needed to read this.

    1. Mine, too! And I see it all the time. That is how I know my angels are with me.

  7. When you see the numbers of your date of birth (or time of birth) repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birth date or time is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  8. Why is it that we have this image about the after life being the best possible scenario yet so many are afraid of death(not I )? surely death is a blessing right? Why do we prevent ourselves from the inevitable only to land up right there eventually?

  9. This is my old address. The one where I grew up. My first family. My mom, dad and sister have passed but I feel them every time I see this number. It always feels like someone is watching over me guiding me as if to say it’s all ok. You’re ok...

  10. I had a dream about this number last night 5008. I woke up this morning at EXACTLY 5:08am! It was bizarre but everything that I've read in this article is spot on and I'm so excited for my new journey!

  11. My birthday is May 8. For the past 10 years this number appears everywhere. When I wake up, a house number, on license plates, page numbers. It's to the point of exasperating. Why?

  12. May 8th is my half birthday. I have a twin flame. I see 58 everywhere.

    1. What exactly is half birthday?? This is very interesting because I do believe in twin flames I just don't know if they're actually amazing for us like most people originally think.. I just feel this way because what I've been through with that seems very very toxic and I guess it just depends on where you both are throughout your journey and when you meet etc....πŸžπŸŽ­πŸŽΆπŸ¦‹πŸ₯πŸͺ”πŸ€„πŸŽš️πŸ‘‘πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ŸπŸ’œπŸ’Ÿ

  13. Same old same old ��

  14. When I was little boy on back home in Montevideo Uruguay , didn't have money ,middle class family. Suddenly the numbers 508 appear on my head don't know hiw or when. My first thought was play lottery(Quinella)at my very young age 9 or ten years old not illegally because those days you could bring the order from your parents, nobody will question it.
    Guess what happened I won not much but enough to go out fir pizzas with my friend's. With the years I emigrated to Sydney Australia guess what happened to me 508 still chasing me don't know why...I hope someone decipher those messages. It's the true Carlos
