Sunday, August 14, 2011


Number 306 is made up of the attributes of number 3, the influences of number 0 and the vibrations of number 6. Number 3 resonates with optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, speech and communication, sociability and compassion, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting and manifestation, spontaneity, talent and skills, self-expression and enthusiasm. Number 3 is also a number associated with the Ascended MastersNumber 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appear with. Number 6 relates to the qualities of unconditional love, balance and harmony, love of home and family, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, self-sacrifice, grace and gratitude, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, reliability, and material needs and provision. 

Angel Number 306 is a number of ‘thought-word-action’, creativity and enthusiasm; coupled with the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about desired results.  

Angel Number 306 encourages you to release and surrender all fears of lack and/or loss and any financial concerns and anxieties, as these negative energies hinder and thwart you, repelling the energies of abundance from entering your life. Give any fears to the angels for healing and transmutation, and move forward in your life safe in the knowledge that your material wants and needs will be met by the Universal energies. Find creative ways of using what you already have in your life to support and sustain you.

Angel Number 306 is a message to shift your focus from the financial and monetary aspects of the physical world to your inner-spirituality and a place of unconditional love. It is a message that your prayers and positive affirmations regarding your material wants and needs (eg money, home, food etc) are being answered and responded to. Have faith and trust that your needs will be met and you and your loved ones will have all that you require in your lives. Angel Number 306 asks you to trust that all of your material needs will be provided as you serve your Divine life purpose.

Angel Number 306 also suggests that now is a great time to give to yourself. Relax and treat yourself to something that will bring you joy. Reward yourself today.

Number 306 relates to number 9 (3+0+6=9) and Angel Number 9.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. That is amazing, I had an amazing meditation this morning. I felt I finally let go of a resistance I was holding on to, and for the first invited my spirit guides in to help me out. Then this afternoon at work, every time I had to get on the register at work, some one in my line would get $3.06 in change. I knew it had to be more than chance. Thank you

  2. Getting on the freeway on ramp I noticed a truck drive by with my initials above the number 603. I thought i should pay attention to it. Then while exiting the freeway off ramp for no reason my face turned and looked at the exit sign. It was 306. I knew that i should pay attention and that it was my message. I called upon my personal angels earlier that day asking for their protection and guidance. I haven't done that in a long long time. Thankyou

  3. I've seemed to be attracted to this number for a few decades. My current office room number is 306. It is one of the more frequent numbers I see popping up in more ways than one.

  4. This amazing i just see the number clearly in my dream and its a wonderful dreams

  5. This is so Divinely true. .I thank God for this confirmation...God Bless you! !!

  6. This is so Divinely true. .I thank God for this confirmation...God Bless you! !!

  7. Every time you ask your angels for guide look and your body looks at that clock by itself, know the number.

  8. The number 306 has been following me since 1986 or 31 years with the birth of my 1st son in March 1986. March is of course the 3rd month or 03/86 Then I joined the United States MARINE CORPS and my platoon number was 1036 and my 2nd son was born 03/96, in all I had three children born in March and of course that wasn't planned lol and even later when I joined a private police department my badge number incredibly was 306 and the last full time job I had before retirement was in March 2006 (03/06) and if that's not strange enough when I got a Visa card from my would you believe the last three numbers of 16 numbers were actually 306? well they were and very often when I think to check to see what time it is, it just so happens to be 3:06 pm and am also many of my phone calls end in 3 minutes and 6 seconds and the change I receive is often $3.06.

  9. Thank you 🙏💗😇, as always right on point!!! Love and light always. 💞💗💖

  10. Wonderful message...Thank you!!! 🙏😇🥰💖😜

  11. This is amazing, My phone number ends with 306 which I've been using for twelve years now. I traveled back to my home country and I bought a new number and it also ends with 306. When I saw this, I realize that this can't be a coincidence. After reading the meaning of 306 it just confirmed everything that is happening and continuing to happen in my life. Am living a very good life and I always achieve my dreams so easily.
    Thank you Angel's

  12. Wow!!! Visited here 2 yrs ago ,I didn't leave A message.
    I have grown for the betterment of myself!!! I will treat myself today . Yay😇

  13. I would if I had money.
    Thank you. 🙏
