Friday, August 26, 2011


Number 420 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 4, number 2 and number 0. Number 4 brings the vibrations of practical thinking, security and building solid foundations for ourselves and others, inner-wisdom and patience, application and productivity. Number 4 also relates to our passions and what motivates and drives us in our lives, as well as the Archangels. Number 2 carries the qualities of partnerships and relationships, duality, service and duty to others, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and receptivity. Number 2 also relates to serving your Divine life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 420 is a message that you have opening your heart to wonderful possibilities and opportunities to do with your soul mission. You have a strong and clear connection with the angelic and spiritual realms and are receiving Divine guidance through your intuition, dreams and recurring thoughts. Trust the messages and guidance from the angels and follow accordingly.

Angel Number 420 is a reminder to maintain faith and trust in the angels and the Universal Energies. Your life purpose is an important one and you are prompted to put your efforts towards living and serving it to the full. Trust that you are safe, protected and surrounded by the angels.

Angel Number 420 also encourages you to pursue your ideal career and/or profession. If you are intuitively prompted to begin or expand a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or heart-based service, the angels will assist with establishing the foundations that will lead to your desired results and ultimate success. Working to serve others will manifest all that you want and need in your life.

Do not procrastinate about making your move and/or enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Number 420 relates to number 6 (4+2+0=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I have been seeing the numbers 420 repeatedly each day for about a month now... interesting!! I am awakening & on my spiritual journey.. thank you for posting this!!!

    1. Patti, I got d Sam situation, 420 com randomly thats y I want to know

    2. I am also seeing this number over and over again. This was something really putting curiosity into my mind to investigate more about this.

    3. I see this literally every where even oddly on a box I received at work! Thanks for the clarification I thought I was just going to get stuff about smoking �� weed lol.

    4. I've been see n this number 99% of the time when I ck the time on my wall clock, my cell oh, my computer.
      I was thinking it was in preparation of a very grown up I'll daughter I have.
      Yet I just looked at my cell pH not long ago & it had the time 420 again when I looked at it.
      I just let it go after 3 months thinks n it was just a fluke.
      Yet when I finished playing 3 games of Making in a row & each time I had was 420!!
      Freaked me out a bit.

      I checked my apt out to feel or sense any spiritual visitors.
      Most of the spirits at my old disabled/ elderly 6 story high rise rather pinch my shoulder, tap my shoulder, & occasionally I listen to it sounds like my Dad's moms voice telling me to "Stop blubbering over things U can't change! U think your Dad wants you to keep carry n on like this?
      Well I heard her speak n n my head telepathically.
      My grandma Fisher was the only relative that pinch us just a little & give us the 2 finger tap on our right shoulder.
      It was on my right shoulder in my home all alone too.
      I could not figure out the 420 till just now when I got my meds in a white sack this yr & on the front was red letter 420 savings at that pharmacy in it.
      I must of stopped listening cause in 2 days I also got 2 different sales at 2 different stores & it said 420 also!!
      Today I've been more productive around my apt cleaning & down sizing things I don't need anymore!
      So after 3 hrs of deep cleaning I sat down to my computer & picked up my cell pH to ck for any missed calls or messages.

    5. Deb A. Fisher. 309-613-9595. I'm a SENSITIVE.

    6. Thank you everyone for posting your 420 conversations. I was assigned the badge number 420 when I was new police officer. After I retired if will not stop randomly appearing to me. to wit: When I get a feeling to check my phone in the afternoons, my watch, on a building address in Miami when for some reason I was prompted to just stop and look around. I know they are trying to tell me something.... hmmmmm Roger

    7. Exactly what I was experiencing too... 420 like everywhere... Kind of strange right...

    8. Here's one for the records ~ On the date 4/20 I get off work at 4:20 I go to get my sister some soup and a sandwich at the casino I buy $10 worth of .50 cent tickets which is 20 tickets on the 2nd ticket I open I win $20,000 ~ now that is odd. I noticed the numbers immediately. 4/20, 4:20, 2, 20, 20,000

  2. I find that when I am immersed in work, I will see this sequence of 420 in various forms (time of day, phone numbers, etc.). I'm so happy that I found this page, because I work for myself, and have lately been feeling uneasy about my choice to start a business. I am comforted by this number now, as I know what it represents.

    1. This is exactly what I experienced. I'm working on my own business and hope to get it up and running soon, my thoughts have been doubt about if I'm able to do it reading this gives me the confidence to do it and be guided! The number 420 is a part of my day now, when I play games, when I'm working, it's in my phone number even the first product I'm going to produce for my business contained 420 liters of water (I'm European). This scared me and my girlfriend because I just made a plan and wanted to know the quantity of fluid going in it,so I added the numbers up and the result was 420 liter... Thanks for this. Good luck with your business!

    2. I can totally agree with that. For instance i sell cars. I have only 4 cars on the 20th day of this month

  3. I have also been seeing and hearing 420 for the last 5-6 months. This is the first time a number keeps popping up. No, I'm not looking for the number either. For example, I was walking home and on the sidewalk was sprayed painted 420. I didn't think about it at all. But, when I came home my sister was on the phone and she said the time 4:20. Which alarmed me because I just saw 420 on the sidewalk. Then I went to put food in the microwave and the number 4:20 was on the microwave. My sister must have been cooking food and stop the microwave at 4:20. Anyways, this has been going on for a while and it's bothering me. I try everything in my will power to not see 420.

    1. your sisters a stoner bro.........LOL!

    2. Lmao!! Yup she is a stoner. 4:20 is the code for smoking weed. But if you see 420 all the time in other places then it's a message to you. :)

    3. why wouldn't you want to see 4:20 wake up dude

    4. It could be messaging you to use or grow medicinal cannabis for health purposes; For things like chronic pain, stress relief, anxiety relief, ADD/ADHD, some cancer treatment...

  4. Ive been ruled by the number 420 and 20 im glad its about something Positive from what ive read. My apartment is 20 my first to be wife anniversary is 520 etc.

    Via twitter @fresh59_fifty follow

    1. You know my name is Julian Sanjurjo suprisingly ive been seeing the number 420 over 20 times and it seems like i found someone with my same first name and last name initial and we both see 420 idk why but i feel my gut telling me something bads going to happen on the day of 420

    2. This other person seeing 420 who has your same name and last name 1st initial may be your twin flame. Check it out. It's GOOD!��✔��

  5. I've been seeing these numbers everywhere... Thank you. I trust this words.

  6. I dont get it , Ive been seeing this number for the past 3 yrs & on 420 was when I got raped .. why do I keep seeing these numbers

    1. Sweetie I am so sorry for what you had to experience. It's unfortunate that people have to go thru such trauma. I gather that you are becoming enlightened or you would not be seeking out answers to the numbers you are noticing and is communicating with you. I would say that your unfortunate situation is an adversity that can ultimately help those that are having a difficult time recovering and need some of your light to help them thru.

    2. It could be your angels trying to help you work through putting the past behind you, and also work through your traumatic experiences.

  7. Im going thru a lot in my life i dont really know which pathway to choose. I been seeing this number since i started learning about the law of attraction. I then learned about meditation and its been great so far. I been relaxed and calm im slowly seeing results. I kept seeing 420 on the time, cars, signs, etc. Thank you for the very helpful information. Lets see where this takes me. Good Luck to everyone!

    1. I too watched the secret about a year ago and I have been seeing 420 everywhere it pops up constantly. I have been doing a lot of meditating and spiritual growth. I currently have a full time job but I'm very restless.. I can't focus, I see my vision beyond my job but I feel stuck.. I'm siting and waiting for my angels and holding on to that poditive energy. Does anyone else feel this?

  8. Wow. This to me confirms what I felt everytime Ive been seeing 420, which is every day, 2-5 times a day!!!!

  9. Thank you for this. Everyday since about a year or two i'm seeing the number 420 everywhere. Also the funny thing is I used to be a stoner and 420 meant a lot back then ;p Oh and also like it wasn't enough, at my school all the different programs are categorised by numbers and guess what mine is ... 420 !!!

  10. This makes me feel so much better! I see 420 everywhere and all times day and night. My wedding anniversary is 4/20 because we would both see it everywhere....we've seen it everywhere for the last 8 years, I've been afraid to see its meaning but have tried to live my life like this description explains and its comforting to know why and that its not a bad #...thank you

    1. Hey i am suffering frm this 420 also. Bills, clocks, treadmills, u name it and its there. Where there r numbers there is 420 for me. Not only me but my husband also experiences this. My son was born at 420 pm. Our membership number credit cards all have 420 in them. To this day i thought it was black magic but after reading this.... Lets hope for the best.

    2. I pray all the best for you

  11. I've been presented with this number over the past two years. Although I do not always heed its message I am grateful for the reminders.

  12. I've also seen this 420 number many times... thanks... im happy after reading this...

  13. Whenever I see this number, I get the stinging urge to smoke weed.

  14. Blessed Be! Thank you! For 5 months now I have been seeing 420 everywhere. It was driving me crazy but ever since this time I have been seeing 420 I had started my own spiritual reading business online and have helped several others since then with spiritual work. I understand now why I am seeing this number. Thank you so much. I am on my soul's journey.

    1. I am looking for spiritual reading, can I have you Web address to your site?

  15. its been really really bad days for me. its been years i have been searching for an answers. one day i have realised im seeing 420 everyday. thank u for this, im feeling great.

  16. I see the number 420 in some form every day (ex: the time, number sequences etc.) I a not sure what is causing me to see this number every day, for some reason the number 20 comes up a lot for me as well, for example when i played scratch offs the number 20 was almost always on them, i had a dram I won 20 million, at one point the lottery winnings were 20 million for power ball and 40 million for mega millions. My friend says me seeing the number 420 every day is my spirit number, hers is 444

  17. thank you for this information. i use to think it was just coincidence that i saw these numbers, but after meeting my partner who's birthday is 4/20, i see these numbers even more now!

  18. Hello! Thank you so much for your wonderful work! It has helped me understand the spirit world with an accuracy that cannot be found when I use other systems of numerology! Words cannot express my gratitude for you and your work! I also express my thanks to the spirits who have assisted you with this task. God bless.

  19. In 2012 I started seeing the numbers 420 regularly when I would look at the clock to check the time as well. I started going outside every night to look at the stars for 30 minutes to put intention out to contact other beings, I could feel a warmth in my heart and a yearning for the stars. I started to meditate and gradually worked my way up to meditation for longer periods of time.The end of 2012 was a shift in self evolution as well as our earth, it was the start of our ascension and we are still going through it now in 2015. All of us seeing the numbers 420 are clearly a sign of this happening. I think we are chosen because of those numbers, its not like everyone in the world experienced that. I had to look this up cause when I looked at the time just a bit ago it was four twenty. I am glad I looked this up cause it proves that I am going through a spiritual transformation.

    1. That is so cool. I have also been seeing that number since 2012. Ikept thinking something bad or good was going to happen on that day. Nothing did but that number comes up daily for me to where I cant ignore it. crazy

  20. I have been seeing the number 420 as time ( 4:20 pm) frequently since 5 years.

  21. i was born in 84. 84x5=420. i was born and raised in san antonio area code 210. 210x2=420. i was kidnapped as a kid on 4/20. worst day of my life was on easter sunday 4/20. I was chosen to appear on MTV on 4/20. the girl who i consider my soulmate we could literally know what each other was thinking, her social security began with 420. 420 is my guide. if i don't see it i know I'm not on the right path. if i see when I'm second guessing something, i follow my gut at that exact moment. the bible in revelations mentions 4 and 20 elders will judge. follow you're heart you are meant for something great

  22. I have been running into these numbers for over 15 yrs now maybe longer,I have credit cards with 420 I had more the one phone number with them even lived at a 420 address,I always assumed it was because I'm a stoner and that it was coincidence,I'm still not sure but it's a common occurrence every week and every month.IDK I guess it comes down to faith. But I will say my intuition is insane and it's always freaked me out along with my friends when I share the enlightened experience. At 41 I believed my life didn't have much purpose but is this a sign I have been wrong? IDK we will see.....

    1. Since childhood I am seeing this number all the time.for the first time in my life (I am 30 now) I really tried finding .understanding the why of it by searching on internet.I am amazed to see so many people having the same experience.

    2. just wait until you turn 42 my man :)

  23. I have been waking up every night like clockwork at 4:20am. It's unusual for me, as I normally can sleep for 9-10hrs straight. I've tried flipping my mattress and moving my beds direction, but still 4:20am. Does this somehow relate to the above meanings?

  24. I have been seeing 4:20 on the clock almost daily. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but it happens so often that it's getting annoying. I'm also going through a huge career transition so when I read this article, it really spoke to me.

  25. 420 been recurring as time in my case. Just now i wrote a v v imp mail and my husband pointed out d mail time as 420

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. It is clearly a divine message being sent to all of us but what does it mean? I think it means we are becoming more synchronized with the earth and universe and our consciousness is expanding.There is a shift in the earth that is happening on a conscious level, some people are becoming more spiritual.I think this number is indeed a confirmation that these changes are taking place. This cant be a coincidence because so much people are experiencing this one number. We are connected as one consciousness, we are made up of star dust we are made up of the earth, water, and air we are connected to this whole universe. It is not that far fetched that we are receiving this message for a reason

  28. Been seeing 420 and 4220 the last few days! I am a Reiki Master and teacher, and am considering quitting my day job, and pursuing what I believe in my heart to be my life's purpose as a holistic healer. I am going to take this as a sign to follow my heart, and pursue my dreams! Thank you so much for this wonderful site!

  29. see these numbers all the time and its also my birthday

  30. I am 17 years old and have big dreams. i am also spiritual and very interested in spirituality. My one biggest dream is to become a UFC champion and the thoughts I have daily are related to that. I think the universe is responding to my thoughts and will help me on my journey to become the best. My passion goes around Martiak arts and spirituality and lately i have been seeing the number 420 very frequently and also Inhave been hearing it a lot. Hopefully the angels will lead me on my journey to te top.

  31. I am 17 years old and have big dreams. i am also spiritual and very interested in spirituality. My one biggest dream is to become a UFC champion and the thoughts I have daily are related to that. I think the universe is responding to my thoughts and will help me on my journey to become the best. My passion goes around Martiak arts and spirituality and lately i have been seeing the number 420 very frequently and also Inhave been hearing it a lot. Hopefully the angels will lead me on my journey to te top.

  32. Thank you so much! <3

  33. This has been SO helpful. Around 19 years old, I started seeing 420 & 911 on a regular basis & it still continues today. I read a comment on the 911 page where someone said that it got so frequent that they would intentionally try NOT to look at clocks. Same thing for me. It's strange because the explanations for both about spiritual awakenings, life path, etc... I went through. HORRIBLE 7 year relationship starting in my 20's... To say that I'm the product of a life lesson, if not a karmic lesson, would be an understatement... It produced 4 children; 2 boys, 2 girls, all born on the 27th- both of my sons are December 27th EXACTLY a year apart... But after that relationship ended, I was prompted, of my own free will, to do some soul searching about my life. It's been an intense several years, but I do feel I have a calling, I just haven't figured out exactly what it is...

  34. Ive been praying to the Archangels and now its nice to know they are around 420 everywhere i turn i see 420 ..feels good..

  35. This is a great outline of what 420 means...aside from the tired weed comments I have been receiving this number for a while now. At first just time on the clock...but over was a total at a drive through, the amount of tickets needed for a prize, the amount of an often I began taking pictures is daily sometimes several times a day. I smile and say thank you. Once I noticed a couple of days without..I commented on this and I received it again..a person on tv said it. I love it and now with more of an understanding I love it more. I now get 1111 and 350. Blessings to all.

  36. Thank you for this I have been seeing 420 everywhere...I thought I was loosing feels like a confirmation of protection or someone trying to lead me for my calling which I have no clue I get this number including 125 my birthday my son birthday 321 I mean I kid you not get don't look for these numbers but appears on it appears I got at least 3 different forces guiding me...even I have started asking the Holy Spirit to make this a bit easy for me it's like trying to find the hidden code...either way my energies and decernment has been up on high levels...keep sharing

  37. RuthnjononthepathSunday, October 30, 2016

    Thank you and Yahowah and our awesome angels! This is what I've been waiting so long for and now it's finally happening! I love all and am thankful and grateful to all now and forever rapidly working towards to spiritual perfection to help all most abundantly or more abundantly than ever in all the created world history! Yay!!!!!!! Leap and dance in joy all the hosts and people's!!!! A new age is now dawned!!!!!

  38. I repeatedly see :20 and :40 in clock since last 6 months. Also I faced some problem in life.
    If this happened because of angel or ghost then why they do not contact directly.
    Also I have been suffered in my life from 16 years bcoz of different problems.
    If any one have answer pls mail me on

  39. Why don't we make a club of 420.

  40. Same thing is happening with me from last 2 years. I think its some kind of instruction to carry on your beliefs or want to make you a believer. Don't be disappointed there's more to come in the future.

  41. Hello. Been seeing 429 a lot in the last month. More in form of a date. Expired can goods, a date on a phone in a movie e.c.t. 4/20 is my boyfriend bday. Back in Aug I found out he was having affair with ex wife we are working on our relationship& it's been good for us. I had learned that on his last bday he had sex with her & told her it was the best bday present. So 4/20 from now on will remind me of that. So I'm trying to figure out why I'm constantly seeing this. I've read what 420 means above but I don't understand what it means. Can Anyone tell me what it means?

    1. Jessica, I see 420 al the time. I just saw it again a few minutes ago AND its my birthdate. I am in a new relationship and just had an argument this morning due to insecurities from a prior relationship. I have been thinking, all day, about how to move myself to a more secure, higher level of thinking, which includes trusting people again. Also, try not to focus so much on him, but things you can do to help yourself and refocus. Infidelity makes us doubt who we are and what we should be doing. I know is hard, but try to be forgiving, if you are going to remain in the relationship, and try to relax and trust.

    2. Do you see 911 also....I see both and both have similar for info it's all over the net...ill tell you one thing 420 and 911 has nothing to do with what the general public thinks....has nothing to do with the tragedy or Mary Jane...good luck jesus..😊

  42. I see this number a lot... I know the drug reference and am not a weed head so that is not a real significance to me, however it is my birth date... Maybe I pay attention to the number because of those things... but I try to be conscious when I see numbers and I am good at seeing patterns, but no other number sequence seems to appear enough to notice... but for years I've been seeing 420... and 10 or 1 if you reduce it... definitely 420 seems to be the number I notice most... I wonder what all that means...

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  43. I always see the number 420 when i look at the clock its amazes me that theres even a meaning wow! I do want to be a baker!

  44. I see the number 420 on the clock quite a bit i love the meaning i do want to go to Culinary school to be a baker. Amazing!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. 420 everywhere. I decided few days ago to start writing a book. It will have a bit of spiritual message. I tend to procrastinate a lot and this message rings true for me

  47. New job this year. I had a lucid dream where I met an entity who called himself an '8-year'. He was identified as one of many guides I have. I was security in the Navy and thought I'd hate working security again, but I ended up getting security, and I actually feel happy and motivated about my job. I feel like I want to put myself into it. Which was completely unexpected. I saw this initially asa means to an end. Now it feels it could be a means in itself. My first day off came after working 10 days straight. My first day off was 4-20. Which also happened to be the day I got my first paycheck. It was also my Mom's 56th birthday.

  48. Wow, I work graveyard and for the last 4 years I always happen to look at the clock when it's 4:20 am or pm. Rather at work or in the car. Even when I'm playing Madden I'd happen to look up when the play clock is at 420 nobody was able to.answer me why. This changes everything. Thanks.

  49. It could also mean it's time to smoke a bowl. Lol. Just kidding. I keep seeing it everywhere and no i dont smoke pot, even though I live in Colorado. Hehe

  50. Hi 420 doesn't have to mean getting high on pot . It means 420 get high and achieve your maximum spiritual abilities . Pursue your goals to be enlightened and prosper to others as well . Broaden your spirituality and imagination become that (420) high example to others .

  51. I have been seeing this number probably since around 2000 maybe earlier. I see it always on clocks, I always wake up at this time or for some reason look up at the clock for no reason at this time. I have even lived at two addresses with this number not knowing until after looking at the place. I did not seek out this address. It has nothing to do with pot!!! I finally decide to look it up and this is very good and confirms my beliefs. Thank you.

  52. I am always seeing the number 420, People laughed at me because I guess there is ano urban slang association with Marijuana,so I actually wished I would stop seeing the number. But after almost a year, I knew it had to have a deeper meaning. I'm glad I read this page.

  53. I see 911 and 420 all the I never new both were so positive, awesome.....God bless you all

  54. Most people who see 420, also see the numbers 911, both have similar meanings....I kinda new tho, even before I read all the email is anyone has info they would like to share

  55. I look at the clock almost everyday at 4:20, the number has started showing up as my change and on receipts. I have often worried that with the new year and April 20th not far away that something bad could happen on that date. It’s reassuring to know that it’s got more to do with spiritualality. I am interested in reading more.

  56. my dad died on 4-2-2014 from a heart attack, had his first heart attack at age 42, he died at 4:20 in the morning (sadly I wasn't there), the hospital room where he spent his last few days was room number 420 ....I have been trying to find out if there are other occurrences in his life or mine or having to do with me and my identical twin brother who are both now 42 and we were born on the 11th of October in 1975....I thought I was going crazy when I discovered all the 420 appearances and knew in my heart that it had nothing to do with smoking pot....I still don't know what to make of it....all the meanings I have read herein are reassuring yet still leave me with a largely ambiguous feeling in my gut. I'd love to find out that I am the member of a club of highly evolved souls destined to live governed by the laws of the heart and of goodness for indeed it would explain why I have this undeniable, unanswered, unrequited, uncommon, unceasing and unfortunately unfulfilling urge to live every minute of my life for everyone except myself. if the information here claims that I am not alone and should rejoice in this knowledge and have faith that happiness, peace, enlightenment and freedom from the shackles of addiction shall find me one day than I shall not waiver, faulter, relinquish, repress or disrupt the only rhythm my heart will accept and the only air my life has chosen to breathe. Anyone have any thoughts? feeling generally lost might take a bit longer to find the door. thx

  57. Thank you so much :) I feel my connection with the angels are very strong and I trust my intuition as well as my angels. I feel so much love and I love serving others and spreading my love and light to them. I know spiritually based career is what I am doing in the future so right now I following my angels guidance and my tuition ❤️ May love and light be with you 🙌

  58. I have seen this number also and i was like to know what does that meaning .now i m relex bcoz everything what they said its happenin .

  59. Everytime I've seen 420 I've thought the universe have been calling me to smoke weed.

  60. I am also witnessing this 420 number every now and then ... infact everywhere on clock , traffic signal car number plate any coupecoupon code, lipstick code , everywhere where there is number I see it and whenever I check weather updates on phone time is 4:20
    I searched this with my sister and she asked me to search for it and get to know off behind it. If my guardian angel is protecting me than I'm so glad cause this 420 is indicating something to me. I prayer to GOD to give me more wisdom to understand the mystery behind seeing this number again and again

  61. bought a plane ticket today that arrives at its destination at 4:20 pm, the price was 420€, and the booking number ended with 420. as if that wasn't astonishing enough, one leg of the journey lasts 5h 55min and when I went to look up its meaning, the time was exactly 2:22 am. how wonderful it is to be floating in this web of synchronicity.

  62. For the past 10 or 12 years I've become aware of the numbers 420. Which at first I'd laugh it off, like its time to smoke 420. Then I noticed that when I purposely avoided digital clocks or even set my phone alarm at 4:15 to absolutely not "by chance" see 420, It would appear as my score while playing video games or gambling or store receipts. I tried to find the meaning, by myself without internet mind you! The connection I have found as to my 420 symbolic meaning is death. Yes, when I am bombarded with these numbers someone I have known will die. I waited a good year before confiding in my boyfriend about my connection theory. He as well as my mother are witness to this occurrence and connection to these numbers. I cant explain any better then how it's happened. I don't know why it happens. It's not a "gift". I still avoid trying to see those numbers because I'm no grim reeper ��

  63. Replies
    1. I told my angels to only show 420 repeatedly as encouragment to smoke weed and they surely seem to want me be stoned rather frequently

  64. Been seeing 420 for 5 years, seeing it more in 2023. Went to the store and receipt 420, county rd 420, watch 420. It’s none stop now. Decided to look it up and see others as well. We have all been chosen for a reason,answers will come soon.
