Saturday, August 13, 2011


Number 304 is made up of the vibrations of number 3, the influences of number 0 and  the energies of number 4. Number 3 resonates with the energies of expansion and increase, charisma, optimism and joy, self-expression and creativity, manifesting and manifestation, communication and society. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters who help you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others, and help you to find peace, clarity and love within. Number 0 carries the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, the beginning point, potential and/or choice, and amplifies and magnifies the energies and vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 relates to developing your personal spirituality and spiritual gifts, and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 4 relates to hard work, establishing solid foundations, diligence and forethought, practicality and organization, determination and dependability, passion and drive. Number 4 also relates to the Archangels. This makes 304 a number that combines creativity with thoughtful effort and hard work to manifest positive energies, opportunities and results.

Angel Number 304 is a message that the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters are around you, and you are able to communicate freely with them about your desires and wishes, your fears, feelings and foibles ... anything you wish. Sense the presence of the angels, and pay particular attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom.

Angel Number 304 encourages you to surrender and let go of any negative fears or self-doubts that have been holding you back and/or hindering you in any way. Know that the hard work, will and effort you have put towards living your personal truths are being rewarded with an abundance of supply in your life. Trust that your needs will be catered to as you steadily build solid foundations for yourself and others.

Angel Number 304 suggests that you put some extra effort towards your creative endeavours to ensure that you find success and reap long-term rewards that you seek. Trust that the work you do today will bring benefits to your life in the future. Your work, devotion and responsible attitude have manifested auspicious circumstances in your life. Be open to receiving your blessings from the Universe and be appreciative and grateful for them.

Study, learn and gather knowledge because in the future you will synthesize your knowledge and wisdom into action to help others.

Number 304 relates to number 7 (3+0+4=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

Sacred Scribes Ceramics






    1. How have you been since you read this how you accomplished your goals

  2. Replies
    1. Idk how to reply to this channel..however I will something

  3. Amazing, I was born at 3:04 on 3/22. I'm just waking up and realizing the life altering soul path that lies before me and many others..thank you, what a gift

  4. My son was born at this time, I was born at 0336. I am enthused about assisting him in his destiny to become as great as he desires.

  5. For tha last ten years maybe more i have alway caught the time at 3:04 not tryin jus always happen i look this up and said i should share this message i feel truly blessed and watched over 10 years till now bless you all

    1. Same here. To this day i always look at the time and see the same time.

    2. I have been experiencing seeing the time 304 for a very long time myself I'm truly bless.

  6. Me too, For the last 15 years whenever I look @ the clock it says 304. I even helped a patient yesterday check her blood sugar and it said 304 too. I said to myself, REALLY.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If you keep seeing this number it just means you need to stop being "Santa's favorite word"

  9. Growing up, my apartment number was 304. When I look at the time, it's 3:04. When I see license plates im guarantee to see 304. One of my favorite tv shows is station 3304. I see it as 403, 304, 043, or 043. I'm 32 and I first noticed it when I was 17. I had no clue what it meant. But I knew it meant something.

  10. For me it use to be 304 now it is 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 is there a progression article somewhere? Because wow, I never until now understood what 3:04 meant but I was a little more awake and aware once I started to see recognize 11:11 and all the others so frequently.

  11. I never knew what it meant to see those numbers back to back. Till a few years ago I decided to do some research. What I find out about these numbers was astonishing. 304 would make me go crazy every time I see it. Now it brings me joy a peace, just upstanding what it is. As a matter of fact it was 304 while I was typing this. Good luck on your journey everyone.

  12. I have woken up at 304 in the am a million times and varies times in the day, and with random people around me. I was have happy to know its angels communicating with me.

  13. 304 has been popping up for me for a long time and I so glad it's something good if only I knew how to use it I claim to be a very blessed favored person Father keep your Angels over me

  14. I haven't seen 304 in awhile...304 always give me such optimism and courage...captivating message. Thank you Angels #1Fan.

  15. For the past 20 plus yrs i always saw the number 304 or 403 like 5 to 10 times a day. I have a sister 3 yrs younger than me but we look like twins. She would see it also but not half as much as me. She would joke and say it meant HOE. So i always took it as annoying or negatively. I alwats wanted to know the true meaning bc i just couldnt agree that it only meant HOE. Now reading this, i am so happy to know its true meaning. I havnt seen it in a long time and it makes sense now. When i was seeing it, i was happy with my life and i was very successful and things always seem to fall in place. However, the past 5 yrs, i hardly see it anymore and my life is a total wreck. Ive lost several jobs, my home of 8 yrs was sold by my landlord (parents) without notice and its just been one thing after another and ive fallen into a huge depression. Now that i kno the true meaning and accept the positivity of it, i am going to try to start living my life like i use to when i saw it all the time daily. Angels.....please watch over me and send me your love again. My arms, heart and eyes are open now and i accept any blessings and you watcging over me

  16. I’ve been venturing into spirituality lately, I haven’t begun anything but I’ve been reading up on some things. Tonight I was laying in bed trying to sleep, and I felt a very strong presence behind me as I lay on my side. I got fearful and my mind created images of some scary things. I reminded myself that I’m fully in control of my own mind. I then wake up to the sound of my computer turning on (this was particularly strange because I have a monitor connected to my laptop, and the laptop was closed and shut down. My monitor usually doesn’t display anything unless the laptop is open). I saw the time was 3:04. Reading this made my fears disappear like cotton candy in a river. Thank you :)

  17. i been seeing 304 all the time and this my first time looking it up on what is the meaning of it im still little confused on it but is nice to know i have angels around me

  18. I’ve had this pop up repeatedly for me & Amen, this gave me a lot of hope

  19. I'm still in a haze I can't believe it but it brings me great joy
