Sunday, March 25, 2012


Number 972 is a combination of the vibrations of number 9, the attributes of number 7, and the energies of number 2. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, influence, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, leading life as a positive example for others, strength of character, philanthropy and humanitarianism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 7 resonates with feelings and emotions, spiritual awakening and development, persistence of purpose and determination, contemplation and introspection, discernment and positive intentions, empathic and psychic abilities, higher-learning and research. Number 2 relates to faith and trust, receptivity and love, service to others, adaptability, diplomacy and mediation, balance and harmony, understanding, flexibility, partnerships and relationships, support and encouragement, and serving your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 972 brings a message from your angels that you are ready and well prepared in all ways to take on your life purpose. Give any fears or concerns to the angels for healing and get on with serving your soul mission with passion and confidence. Trust that the angels support and encourage you in your lightworking endeavours and spiritual practices/career/profession and are urging you to live your personal truths. Have the courage to step up to your own potential and realize the true wonderments that your life can bring to yourself and others.

Angel Number 972 is a message from your angels that you have completed a major phase or cycle in your life and this has brought closure to projects and ways of doing and being. You are now ready to step forward upon your life path and soul mission. Your angels support and encourage you to continue along your path, knowing that you are heading in the right direction. Trust your intuition and the guidance from the angels.

Angel Number 972 is a message to trust the guidance from the angels in all aspects to do with your soul mission and purpose. You are encouraged to keep up your wonderful lightwork as you are helping others by shining your love and light on the world and by setting a positive example for others.  

Angel Number 972 can also indicate that if you have been considering taking up a line of study, research or education, follow your intuition and look to topics of genuine interest that resonate with your soul.

Number 972 relates to number 9 (9+7+2=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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  1. Tears in my eyes ”you have completed a major phase or life cycle. Couldn’t ring more true to me, so happy for your confirmation. Thank you all ✨🪷🧚✨🌱🦋✨!
    Never give up, or ie: let go, let god.
