Friday, March 30, 2012


Number 986 is a combination of the vibrations and influences of number 9 and number 8, and the attributes of number 6. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, influence, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, leading life as a positive example for others, strength of character, philanthropy and humanitarianism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 8 is the number of manifesting positive abundance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and good judgement, giving and receiving, and serving humanity. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 6 resonates with grace and simplicity, love of home and family, honesty and integrity, nurture and care, simplicity and reliability, emotional depth, expressing gratitude, the material aspects of life. Number 6 also resonates with problem-solving, solution-finding and the ability to compromise.

Angel Number 986 brings a message of encouragement and congratulations from the angels as you have been working diligently towards living and serving your life mission as your soul dictates. Your efforts and intentions have advanced you along your spiritual path and this has ensured that all of your monetary and material needs will be met as you continue upon your life path. The positive energies you are projecting are returning to you in many forms, and the angels are supporting and guiding you along the way.

Angel Number 986 can also be a message about your lifestyle and career choices. If you are not happy and/or satisfied with your current employment status, it may be a message to prompt you towards pursuing your true soul’s calling and begin and a spiritually-based profession, practice or career, heart-based service or venture, or business based upon your principles and values. The angels are guiding and supporting you as you focus on your life purpose as a lightworker.  
Angel Number 986 suggests that the angels are overseeing the material and economic aspects of your life. Your positive affirmations and prayers regarding your financial circumstances have been heard and are being responded to by the angels and Universal Energies. You are encouraged to continue on your spiritual soul mission with confidence and optimism because when you focus upon your personal values and inner-truths and take action accordingly it will manifest success, abundance and plenty into your life. Have faith and trust that all of your material and monetary needs will be met, sometimes in miraculous ways.

Number 986 relates to number 5 (9+8+6=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



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Number 985 is a combination of vibrations and attributes of number 9 and number 8, and the energies of number 5. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 8 is associated with personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, dependability, discernment and self-reliance, and manifesting wealth and abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 5 relates to life changes, the fullness of your humanity and human experience, versatility and adaptability, vitality, inspiration, imagination and curiosity, learning life lessons, motivation and activity, making positive life choices and decisions that suit who you truly are, and personal freedom.   

Angel Number 985 tells you that your past experiences and the lessons you learned from them help you to make your present choices. We are all on our own individual, unique paths and have a multitude of experiences along the way. Every event you participate in benefits yourself and others as you set example for others to observe and learn from, and vice-versa. Bless and be grateful for every event and experience in your life.

Angel Number 985 brings a message from the angels that any positive changes you have made (or are currently making) will bring you into perfect alignment with your life purpose as a lightworker and will assist you with your spiritual development and/or with beginning a spiritually-based career/practice/profession and/or service-based venture or project.

Angel Number 985 indicates that the changes taking place in your life have been Divinely planned so that you are able to devote more of your focus and energy towards following your passions and soul’s urgings. Some aspects of your life may be coming to a close or end so that you will be free to take up new opportunities. Your angels are helping to manifest financial supply in order to sustain and support you along your life’s journey. Trust that your daily material needs will be met as you walk your journey, and the angels are available to guide and assist you whenever you feel the need. The angels are always with you, waiting for your call.

Step into your own power and make your life as you wish it to be.

Number 985 relates to the Master Number 22 (9+8+5=22, 2+2=4) and Angel Number 22 on the higher plane, and number 4 and Angel Number 4 on the lower plane.



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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Number 984 is a combination of the influences and attributes of number 9 and number 8, and the vibrations of number 4. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 8 resonates with giving and receiving, manifesting abundance, monetary and business acumen, mastery, management, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and good judgement, insight and intelligence, the concept of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 4 relates to honesty and integrity, hard work and responsibility, discipline, traditional values, effort, practicality and application, structure, stability and endurance, conscientiousness, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 984 brings a message to set your goals with clear intentions, but remain open to adjusting your goals when necessary and go with the flow of what feel right to you. Set your intentions, but know that at any time you have the free-will to change your mind as you see fit.

Angel Number 984 brings a message from your angels that the guidance you have been receiving through your intuitive thoughts, feelings and visions are directly connected to your life purpose, and your angels ask that you trust these messages and promptings and take positive action as guided.

You may be feeling prompted to be of service to others and humanity in general. If you are considering taking up a spiritually-based career, profession and/or practice or service-based venture or service, Angel Number 984 is an indication that now is the ideal time to begin. The angels support and guide you as you focus your energies on your life purpose as a lightworker. You are on the right path in all ways in your life, and the angels urge you to continue with enthusiasm and passion as you are teaching others by serving as a positive example. Only you can fulfill your soul mission so have faith and trust that you have all the abilities, skills and talents you need to fulfill your lightworking destiny.  

Angel Number 984 may also be an indication that some situations and circumstances may be coming to a close or end in your life so that new opportunities may arise for you to take advantage of for your long-term benefit, and for the betterment of others.

Number 984 relates to number 3 (9+8+4=21, 2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.



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Number 983 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 8, and the qualities of number 3. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 8 is the number of management, self-confidence and personal authority, manifesting positive abundance, decisiveness, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and intelligence, discernment and good judgement. Number 8 is also the number of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 3 encourages self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, being brave and courageous, natural talent and skills, friendliness and sociability, manifesting your desires, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 is also associated with the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 983 is a message that the angels and Ascended Masters are with you, always offering encouragement and support and helping you to serve your soul mission as a lightworker and ask you to have faith and trust that you possess all the skills, talents and abilities within you that you need to succeed with your soul’s tasks in this lifetime. As you put your efforts and focus upon living your personal truths and being a positive example for others, you automatically manifest abundance and plenty into your life.  

Angel Number 983 brings a message from the angels that you are serving your soul mission as a lightworker and you are doing a wonderful job enlightening and helping others. The angels encourage you to continue following your soul’s desires and trust that your material wants and needs will be met as you continue on your path. 

Angel Number 983 may also be indicating that some endings and conclusions may soon take place in your life that will clear the way for new opportunities to present to you. If you have been feeling that you need to pursue different avenues of work and/or a lifestyle change, Angel Number 983 can be validation that it is time to let go of unfulfilling pastimes and pursue more fulfilling and suitable pursuits. 

Number 983 relates to number 2 (9+8+3=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.



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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Number 982 is a blend of the attributes of number 9, the vibrations of number 8, and the energies of number 2. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 8 is associated with personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, dependability, discernment and self-reliance, and manifesting wealth and abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 2 resonates with your intuition and insight, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, duality, finding balance and harmony, receptivity and love, selflessness, ambition, sensitivity, faith, trust, and your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 982 brings a message to follow the gentle urgings of your heart and soul and open yourself up for profound transformation. When you let go of the need to control and learn to trust and allow your inner-guidance to lead you, you align with the flow of the Universal Energies and are able to find balance, clarity and inner-peace. Realign with your own heart and discover and reveal your true nature. 

Angel Number 982 brings a message from the angels that you are ready and well prepared in all ways to fully serve your life purpose. Trust that the angels support and encourage you in your lightworking endeavours and spiritual practices and are urging you to live up to your personal inner-truths. Give any fears or concerns to the angels for healing and get on with living your soul mission with passion and purpose. Trust that all of your financial and material needs will be met as you devote yourself to serving others as a lightworker.

Angel Number 982 encourages you to have faith and trust that you will always have plenty to care for yourself and your loved ones throughout your life as the angels and Universal Energies will ensure that your material needs are always met in Divine right time. Know that you are able to confidently serve your life purpose with your wants and needs being met along the way. The examples you are setting by living your truths is encouraging and teaching others to follow suit, and your angels want you to keep up your great lightwork. Live your life with passion and purpose, and trust that you will find success in all that you put your heart and soul towards.

Number 982 relates to number 1 (9+8+2=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



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Number 981 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 9 and number 8, and the vibrations of number 1. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, strength of character, non-conformity, leadership and leading life as a positive example for others, altruism, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting positive abundance, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, ambition and tenacity, striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, taking action and creating our own realities

Angel Number 981 brings a message to pay attention to your inner-visions, ideas and dreams as your dreams tell you what is really going on for you at that point in time. If you examine your values, beliefs and dreams in the context of who you truly are and where you are in your life, you may begin to recognize a shift. Once you align the values and beliefs of your dreams and your soul, you will find that the Universal Energies will work with you to turn your dreams to reality.

Angel Number 981 encourages you to begin a new phase of your life that sees you being of service to others and humanity as a lightworker. Your positive attitude and affirmations regarding your life purpose will bring about opportunities to serve as your soul dictates. Allow blessings to enter your life and use them to your advantage and for the benefit of others.

Angel Number 981 brings a message from your angels to look to new beginnings and opportunities appearing in your life as they will lead to wonderful new circumstances and situations. Trust your intuition and follow its guidance as each opportunity presents, knowing that they are occurring for important karmic reasons. Trust that they are in direct alignment with your life purpose and lightworking mission. 

Angel Number 981 also encourages you to continue learning about yourself, express yourself authentically, shine your light brightly, and be all that you can be. 

Number 981 relates to number 9 (9+8+1=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Number 980 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 8, and the influences of number 0. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, strength of character, leading life as a positive example for others, duty and calling, sensitivity, benevolence, altruism and lightworking. Number 8 is associated with personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, dependability, discernment and self-reliance, and manifesting wealth and abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 0 relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and carries the vibration of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, potential and/or choice, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, and its energies emphasize the attributes of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 980 tells of the energy or power within you that lovingly guides and directs you to your perfect path in every way; health, wealth, relationships and general living. In order to tap into that energy or power you need to be willing to go within and release negativity and repeating patterns in your life. You also need to review your choices and decisions and recognize your true principles, values and beliefs. Use the wisdom within you to empower yourself and stand in your own truths. Be open-minded, but listen to your own intuition and inner-knowing when making decisions for yourself. See your spiritual light for all its glory and shine it brightly.

Angel Number 980 brings a message that you are fully supported in your life choices and soul mission by the angels and Universal Energies. Walk your lightworking path with passion and purpose, trusting that all of your material needs will be met as needed. Make your life purpose your main priority as your skills, talents and abilities are much needed by the world at this time and the angels ask you to express and conduct yourself with honesty and integrity and live your life as a positive example for others. 

Angel Number 980 encourages to you find balance in your material and spiritual worlds, and use your natural abilities to manifest abundance of all kinds so that you can share it with those who need it. Take positive action in the direction of your intuition and look to ways of achieving small goals on a daily basis to reach your full personal potential. 

Angel Number 980 indicates that you will find success and personal satisfaction in serving others as your soul dictates. Shine your light to illuminate the way for others.

Number 980 relates to number 8 (17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



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Number 979 is a blend of the vibrations of number 9 and number 7, with number 9 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 9 is the number of lightworking and service to humanity, philanthropy and benevolence, duty and calling, leading by positive example, sensitivity and strength of character, non-conformity and idealism. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, and endings and conclusions. Number 7 relates to spiritual awakening and development, mysticism and the esoteric, empathic and psychic abilities, emotions and feelings, contemplation and introspection, seeking knowledge, study, education and learning, understanding the self and others.

Angel Number 979 relates to spiritual focus, trust, joy, new insights, and endings leading to new beginnings. Continue listening to your intuition and angelic guidance about your spiritual practices and/or career path as well as your life purpose, serving others as your heart and soul lead you. The angels indicate that you are shedding old aspects of your life that no longer suit who you truly are and you are now living a more authentic life and lifestyle. You have been living and leading your life with optimism and enthusiasm and the angels wish to commend you on your work, dedication and commitment. Trust that you are fully living and serving your soul purpose.

Angel Number 979 is a message that your thoughts, visions and intuitive feelings about your life purpose are successfully guiding you in the right direction. You have been following Divine guidance and putting your spiritual knowledge and wisdom into practice and you are asked to continue shining your light for 
others to follow. Live with honesty, truth and integrity.

Angel Number 979 may also be suggesting that things are coming to an end or conclusion in your life, and this will make way for fresh new beginnings and opportunities that will enhance your life and advance you along your spiritual path.

Number 979 relates to number 7 (9+7+9=25, 2+5=7) and Angel Number 7.



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Number 978 is a combination of the attributes and vibrations of number 9 and number 7, and the influences of number 8. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, influence, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, leading life as a positive example for others, strength of character, philanthropy and humanitarianism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 7 relates to spiritual awakening and development, mysticism and the esoteric, empathic and psychic abilities, emotions and feelings, contemplation and introspection, seeking knowledge, study, education and learning, understanding the self and others. Number 8 is the number of self-confidence, personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, reality, dependability and self-reliance, and manifesting positive abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma.

Angel Number 978 brings a message from your angels telling you that as you toil upon your life path and soul mission you will successfully manifest abundance along the way. The angels encourage, support and applaud your efforts and commend you for your commitment and determination to succeed and achieve.

Angel Number 978 encourages you to continue on your current path as all is going in the right direction. You have been putting your efforts, abilities and talents towards achieving your goals and serving your life purpose and this will bring you long-term success, fulfilment and happiness. Trust the guidance from the angels as they walk beside you every step of the way, and know that your diligence and devotion to your personal spirituality will manifest all that you need in your life. Look to ways of expanding and expressing your values, principles and inner-truths and you may find that others will follow your lead. Express your uniqueness and shine your light to see a brighter world.

Angel Number 978 may also be a prompt to begin a spiritual practice and/or a spiritually based career or profession or service-based venture or project in order to fully serve your soul purpose as a lightworker. Trust that you will be fully supported by the angelic and spiritual realms in whatever path you choose to express your best and highest self and be of service to others.

Number 978 relates to number 6 (9+7+8=24, 2+4=6) and Angel Number 6.



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Number 977 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 9 and number 7, with the mystical number 7 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, sensitivity, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, influence, leading life as a positive example for others, non-conformity, benevolence and altruism, philanthropy and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 7 is the number of knowledge and understanding, discernment and listening to the inner-self, emotions and feelings, spiritual development and awakening, learning and education, determination and persistence of purpose, mysticism, psychic abilities and spiritual gifts.

Angel Number 977 brings a message of commendation and congratulations to you from the angels and Universal Energies as they are very pleased with the lightwork you have done and are continuing to do and they want you to know that you are successfully serving your destined soul purpose and life mission. Angel Number 977 encourages you to expand and develop your personal spirituality and spiritual pursuits and live with truth, honesty and integrity.

Angel Number 997 can suggest that if you have been considering beginning or expanding a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession or service-based project, pastime or hobby, now is a most auspicious time to put your plans into action. If you have been looking to pursue a line of study or higher-learning, look to signs and synchronicities that will appear to guide you to the most suitable courses, books, websites and the like. Use your own discernment and follow only those leads that truly resonate within you.

Angel Number 977 also indicates that you are shedding old facets of your life that no longer positively serve you nor suit who you are, as you are now living a more authentic and purposeful life and lifestyle. A transformation of some kind is ahead of you so spend time in meditation and/or contemplation to truly understand yourself. Embark upon the journey to self-knowledge and ask yourself the questions you most want answered. Sit with your questions and you will be amazed and enlightened by the answers and knowledge that becomes clear to you. All that you need to know is already within you and you need only to take the time and focused intention and attention to allow for them to come to light. Ask yourself and trust the answers. 

Number 977 relates to number 5 (9+7+7=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



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NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

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Number 976 is a compilation of the vibrations and attributes of numbers 9 and number 7, and the energies of number 6. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, leading life as a positive example, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 7 resonates with feelings and emotions, spiritual awakening and development, persistence of purpose and determination, contemplation and introspection, discernment and positive intentions, empathic and psychic abilities, higher-learning and research. Number 6 resonates with home and family, domesticity, expressing grace and gratitude, emotional depth, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, care and nurturing, and finding solutions.

Angel Number 976 encourages you to recognize and acknowledge all facets of your emotions and feelings as when you face, accept and integrate all parts of yourself you find a new level of inner-peace, balance, wholeness and solidity. Stand in your own power, trust your own inner-knowing and live your life from your heart. Align your life with your heart, your personal truths and your soul passions and desires.

Angel Number 976 brings a message to bring an end to situations, circumstances and/or relationships that do not serve your highest good, and release old and out-dated modes of thinking, being and doing. Let go of things that no longer resonate with you and free yourself from old restraints, constraints and restrictions and be true to yourself in every way. Confidently follow the promptings of your intuition and higher-self and make some bold choices in your life.

Angel Number 976 brings a message from your angels that your thoughts, visions and intuitive knowing about your life purpose are guiding you in the right direction and you have been following Divine guidance and putting your spiritual knowledge and wisdom into practice as a lightworkerContinue listening to your intuition and the guidance from your angels about your spiritual career path and/or practice or heart-based project or venture. Trust that you are fully aligned with your soul purpose and all of your material needs will be provided for you and your loved ones.

Number 976 relates to the Master Number 22 ( 9+7+6=22, 2+2=4) and Angel Number 22 on the higher plane, and number 4 and Angel Number 4 on the lower plane.



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