Friday, October 22, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 6's and 4's (6644, 6664, 66444, 6464 etc)

When a 6 and 4 combination presents, your angels caution you that your focus is too much on the material world.  They ask you to surrender your worries to them in order for them to be able to intervene on your behalf.  The energy of stress and worry repels the Universal energies of abundance and prosperity; therefore, your angels ask that you keep a positive frame of mind and an optimistic attitude to enable your angels to work their magic in your life.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. So today at work this lady in front of me was paying for her food and her total was $6.66. Then as I was walking to my table in the cafeteria a priest came out of nowhere! I asked a lady her phone number and the last four numbers were 6664, Someone called to provide a ssn and the last four were 6664. I was interviewing and another person had the last four of 6664. Any thoughts or advice?

    1. If YOU, your "self," kept witnessing the repeating sequence, then it must mean that you're not focused well enough on the overall bigger picture! For the number of "666" in christian doctrine is supposed to overall, represent the force of evil, then seeing that sequence signifies that your attention is too much on the evils of this world that strip you of your spirituality, the want of material things! Whether it be money, clothes, anything physical, these things can strip you over your spiritual focus! The point of focusing on your spirituality is to learn that we don't actually truly need certain things, nor truly control the overall force of existence!

  2. It's true. What happened to me was ashtounding. I was always hoarding stuff, buying things to make myself feel better or loved or appreciated... when I learned to love myself and discovered my lightworking ability and being a starbeing I don't want stuff anymore. I feel free and happy. Consumerism isn't making anyone happy, spirituality is. (For me atleast I can say!:)

    1. for me is the same now.i find the happiness in myself thanks to ralph smart from youtube :)

  3. The number 6664 appeared in my dream few nights ago.. I don't know what it means but I'm just curious..

  4. Today I received a call from a 6644 number. No area code or anything. It just said 6644.

  5. I'm moving soon and going through all my belongings... Which is a difficult task for me. I was taking a picture of something I am going to post on an online garage sale site and the battery level was 64% and the time was 6:46 pm. What a good reminder to stay in task and look at the big picture !!

    1. ok i wwill miss you

    2. I just wanna say I read your message at 6:46 PM hope all is well with you!

    3. This is scary, I can't sleep and I was on the internet surfing and googling specifically on plastic surgery and studying faces of famous people thinkin what I wanted to enhance and change on myself also. While I was doing that I was putting myself down for not having perfect eyelids or a more defined chin et cetera. When I looked at the time I saw the battery was 64% and it was 6.46. I was shocked and immediately looked it up. I wasn't expecting to find an answer to this odd combination of numbers but I landed here. I interpreted this explanation as the angels telling me to stop this stressing over eyelids and body contouring surgeries lol. Thanks Angels, I got the message!

  6. I am the real jesus christ this is not a joke i have returned and i got something important to tell everyone its not good god could be in trouble we must help by bringing a balance back stop the negative and more positive there is to much negative in the world ur making the devil to powerful and weaking god please stop the negative

  7. I was about to buy myself an Olympic weight set up and the payments were 4 installment plans for 6 months, 64.64 for 3 months, and 64.67 the last month.. I thought to myself this is a great sign,seeing it all over my screen, but then I read this and I’m not sure any advice?

  8. Grateful for every timely reminder... Thank you💗🙏😇Love and light always!!!🥰

  9. I came across the number 6644 on a video regarding love life???

  10. I got 66644 during playing a game in which I can receive money for PayPal.
    So I stopp the game today.

  11. Thank you Angels,
