Sunday, September 30, 2012


Number 1228 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1 with the energies of number 2 (appearing twice, magnifying its influences) and the attributes of number 8. Number 1 brings its vibrations of creation, fresh starts and new beginnings, positivity and open-mindedness, attainment, and stepping forth to achieve fulfilment and success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and action. Number 2 resonates with faith and trust, grace and gratitude, mediation and co-operation, intuition and initiative, finding balance and harmony, duality, and serving your Divine life purpose and soul missionNumber 8 adds its influences of manifesting abundance and prosperity, personal authority and business acumen, giving and receiving, self-confidence and inner-strength, inner-wisdom, and achieving success. Number 8 also resonates with the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma.

Angel Number 1228 is a message from your angels that you need to believe that you are worthy of receiving success, abundance and prosperity into your life, and know that it is your Divine birthright. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals and aspirations. Have faith that you have all you need to attain your desires, whatever they may be.

Angel Number 1228 is a message to maintain faith and trust and allow yourself to receive with grace and gratitude. Being thankful and appreciative of the rewards and blessings reaped from karmic work well done in the past will manifest a continuous and steady flow of abundance and prosperity in your life. Remember, the more you have, the more you have to give.

Angel Number 1228 may also indicated that a door is about to close for you, and your angels are assuring you intuitively that another is about to open. Trust that the angels are guiding you towards and through new doors of opportunity, and these doors are leading to the next steps along your spiritual path and life purpose

Trust the guidance from the angels and follow your intuitive directions with faith and trust in your actions.

Rejoice in life’s abundance and appreciate all that you have. Accept your blessings graciously.

Number 1228 relates to number 4 (1+2+2+8=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.


Number 1227 is a compilation of the attributes of number 1 blended with the energies of number 2 and number 7. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, courage, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 resonates with duality, your faith and trust, finding balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, encouragement, grace, devotion and fulfilling your Divine purpose and soul mission in life. Number 7 adds its vibrations of mysticism, spiritual awakeningdevelopment and enlightenment, deep contemplation and introspection, discernment, learning and education, persistence of purpose and good fortune, psychic abilities and inner-knowing.
Angel Number 1227 is a message from your angels that you are to believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings as these are direct messages about your Divine life purpose. Your angels encourage you to follow the guidance and directions given. Trust that your angels support you in your spiritual endeavours.  

Angel Number 1227 is a message of faith, trust and self-belief. Your angels ask you to have the courage to step forward on your life path with confidence and grace. You are here to make a positive difference in the world, and the best way to achieve that is by being true to yourself and following the promptings of your intuition and inner-truths. Maintain a positive attitude, perspective and outlook and through the Spiritual Law of Attraction you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings. Keep up the good work!

Number 1227 relates to number 3 (1+2+2+7=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.


Number 1226 is a compilation of the energies of number 1 and the influences of number 2 (appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations) mixed with the attributes of number 6. Number 1 brings courage, progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, willpower and ambition, new beginnings and starting afresh, initiative, instinct and inspiration, finding success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 adds its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purposeNumber 6 relates to possessions, status and the monetary aspects, service to others, love of home and family, compassion and nurturing, responsibility and reliability, problem solving, honesty and integrity.

Angel Number 1226 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust that your material and monetary needs will be met. Maintain a positive attitude and outlook in regards to the monetary and financial aspects of your life and give any fears and worries to the angels to heal and transform. Trust within that you are fully supported by the Universe and all will be taken care of as you live and serve your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Listen to your intuition and guidance from the angels and be open to receiving assistance from unexpected sources and in unusual ways.

Angel Number 1226 encourages you to be diplomatic and co-operative with others in order to set a positive example for them to learn from. It is a message that as you serve your life purpose and mission you will reap the spiritual and emotional rewards of love, trust and companionship as well as manifest material and financial rewards.

Trust the angels to supply you with everything you need.

Number 1226 relates to Master Number 11 (1+2+2+6=11) and Angel Number 11.


Number 1225 is a compilation of the energies of number 1 and number 2 (appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations) and the attributes of number 5. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, initiative and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, striving forward and progress, achievement and success, attainment and fulfilment. Number 1 encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, and reminds you that you create your own reality. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, partnerships and relationships of all kinds, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine soul mission and life purposeNumber 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, adventure and life lessons learned through experience.  

Angel Number 1225 is a message to release all negativity and let go of the ‘old’ that no longer positively serves you. The angels are asking you to change something in your life that is making you unhappy or unhealthy, such as a bad habit or toxic relationship, so that you can make room for positive new experiences and opportunities in your life. Move forward with faith and confidence and get ready to have some activity, action and adventures.

Angel Number 1225 is a message from your angels that the life changes you are contemplating and/or experiencing will be to your benefit, and your angels ask that you trust your intuition and follow its direction. Your angels are offering you guidance and assistance ... all you need to do is ask.

Angel Number 1225 encourages you to believe in yourself and your Divine life plan and soul purpose. Live your life as per your true self.

Number 1225 relates to number 1 (1+2+2+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.


Number 1224 is a blend of the attributes of number 1, the vibrations of number 2 and the energies of number 4. Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, progress and motivation, striving forward, inspiration, achieving success and fulfilment. Number 1 also reminds you that you create our own realities with your beliefs, thoughts and actions, and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone in order to pursue and attain your goals. Number 2 carries the vibrations of duality, partnerships and relationships, diplomacy and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and fulfilling your Divine life purpose and soul missionNumber 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, endurance, loyalty, mastery, building solid foundations, and enthusiasm coupled with patience and determination.

Angel Number 1224 is a message from your angels to believe in yourself and your skills, talents and abilities. You have a great deal of work ahead of you, but rest assured that you will have all that you need, both within you and materially, to achieve success and personal fulfilment. Your goals are worth working towards. Have faith in yourself and ask for angelic guidance and assistance whenever you wish. Surrender your worries and fears to the angels for transmutation and healing.

Angel Number 1224 is a sign that your angels are sending you positive energies to boost your self-belief, confidence and self-esteem. The work, will and effort you have contributed in the past have lead to the establishment of solid foundations and stability and you are asked to trust yourself and your intuition. Know that you are on the right life path.

Stop and feel grateful for all that you have in your life and appreciate and accept the countless blessings yet to come.

Number 1224 relates to number 9 (1+2+2+4=9) and Angel Number 9.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1223 resonates with the compilation of the qualities of number 1 blended with the attributes of the number 2 and the energies of number 3. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating your own realities by your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 resonates with duality, service to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, support, encouragement and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 3 adds self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. It indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.  

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 (appearing twice) sets you on your course of action with balance, faith and ability. Number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and encourages self-expression and communication from your authentic self.  

If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Know that you have all that you need within to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just have to make the choices to do so, and take the appropriate actions. Have faith and trust in yourself, your angels and the Ascended Masters.  

Angel Number 1223 encourages you to have faith, trust and belief in your intuition and intuitive messages and prompts. Be open to guidance from the angels and the Ascended Masters, and trust your inner-wisdom and feelings, then take positive action as guided.

Angel Number 1223 encourages you to use your natural skills, talents and abilities to fully pursue, serve and fulfill your life purpose and soul mission.

Number 1223 relates to number 8 (1+2+2+3=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1222 is a compilation of the energies and qualities of number 1 and number 2, with the number 2 appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 1 encourages the attributes of creation and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct, and stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve your desires. It also relates to creating your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, sensitivity, encouragement, consideration, co-operation, grace, devotion, flexibility, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving and fulfilling your Divine life purpose and soul mission

Angel Number 1222 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals.

Angel Number 1222 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take a new direction and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been prompted to pursue. Angel Number 1222 encourages us to release our fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

Angel Number 1222 encourages you to maintain a positive outlook in regards to a current situation or issue. Be positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest as your desired results. If feeling any fears or doubts, simply ask your angels for guidance, assistance and support.

Number 1222 relates to the mystical number 7 (1+2+2+2=7) and Angel Number 7.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 122



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics




Saturday, September 29, 2012


Number 1221 is a combination of the influences of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences) and the vibrations of number 2 (also appearing twice, magnifying its attributes and resonating with the Master Number 22). Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, progress and motivation, striving forward, inspiration and initiative, achieving success, fulfilment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds you that you create your own experiences and realities with your beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 2 brings its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, duality, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 2 appears twice, relating it to the Master Number 22 (Master Builder) -  the number of philanthropy and service to humanity. Number 22 is the number of Archangel Raphael and resonates with vision, practicality and common sense. 

Angel Number 1221 is a message from your angels to maintain a positive attitude in regards to a current situation or issue in your life. Remain positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest your desired results. Trust that you are lovingly supported and surrounded by your angels who are offering constant guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 1221 is a message to stay positive and maintain faith and trust in your angels and the Universal Energies as your feelings, beliefs and thoughts will manifest into your reality. Keep your focus on your desires, positive expectations and outcomes, and that is what you will receive in return. Release and let go of all negativity and give any fears or doubts to your angels for transmutation and healing.   

Angel Number 1221 reminds you to be grateful for all the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come. When you express an ‘attitude of gratitude’ you manifest even more blessings. Your angels ask you to follow your Divine life path with passion and purpose.

Angel Number 1221 tells you that your reality is what you make it.

Number 1221 relates to number 6 (1+2+2+1=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 121
Angel Number 122


Number 1220 is a blend of the energies of number 1, the vibrations of number 2 (appearing twice, magnifying its attributes and relating to the Master Number 22) and the powerful influences of number 0. Number 1 resonates with creation and new beginnings, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative and tenacity, instinct and intuition. It also relates to creating your own reality with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. The number 2 appears twice, strengthening the influences of its vibrations and relating to the Master Number 22, which is Archangel Raphael’s signature number. Number 22 denotes the Master Builder, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, the future and evolution, Universal Love, personal power and charisma, service, philanthropy, common sense and practicality. Number 0 amplifies and magnifies the energies of the numbers it appears with making them more powerful and influential. Number 0 a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.  

Angel Number 1220 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals.

Angel Number 1220 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that interest you. Angel Number 1220 encourages you to release your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing your passions and life purpose.

Angel Number 1220 asks you to ensure that all you put out to the Universe is of a positive and uplifting nature. Your angels ask that you stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Use affirmations and visualizations to enhance positive energies and draw them towards you. The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they are manifested into your reality.

Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and into the direction of your desires, passions and purpose.

Number 1220 relates to number 5 (1+2+2+0=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1219 is made up of the vibrations of number 1 (appearing twice, magnifying its energies) and the attributes of number 1 and number 9. Number 1 brings its influences of creation and new beginnings, striving forward and progress, achievement and success, inspiration, motivation and attainment. Number 1 encourages us to take positive action and tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 relates to the attributes of duality, balance and harmony, relationships and partnerships, adaptability and diplomacy, receptivity, attention to detail and decisiveness. Number 2 also relates to serving and fulfilling your life purpose and soul missionNumber 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 1219 is a ‘humanitarian’ vibration and your angels ask you to be of service to others through serving your Divine life purpose.

Angel Number 1219 prompts you to be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and ideas and starting afresh. Ensure that all that you do is in alignment with your spiritual truths and soul purpose, which involves being of service to humanity. Have faith and trust in the angels, and if feeling any fears or doubts simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Angel Number 1219 is a message from your angels that you are to fully pursue your spiritual purpose at this time in your life and may be suggesting that you begin your own spiritually-based practice and/or career or heart-based service. Ask your angels for guidance and assistance in regards to the steps to take to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Angel Number 1219 asks you to stay focused upon your Divine life path and soul purpose and trust that in doing so you are teaching others by being a living example. Your angels ask you to use your manifesting tools and talents to create opportunities to connect, share and teach others.

Number 1219 relates to number 4 (1+2+1+9=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1218 is a blend of the attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, magnifying its energies) and the vibrations of number 2 and number 8. Number 1 promotes positive energies and optimism, creation and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, inspiration, achievement and success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 adds its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, duality, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purposeNumber 8 resonates to personal power and authority, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, the concept of karma, business acumen and manifesting wealth and abundance.

Angel Number 1218 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust in your intuition and inner-knowing, and believe that the angels and the Universe are ensuring that your monetary and financial needs will be met. Give any money worries and/or fears to your angels for healing and transmutation and know that all will be taken care of. Have no fear of stepping towards your goals.

Angel Number 1218 asks you to be open to the flow of giving and receiving and to be grateful for the gifts and blessings of the Universe. You get back what you put out and your thoughts, beliefs, expectations and outlook determine your results, so ensure that they are always positive and optimistic. Allow prosperity to enter your life on all levels and accept gifts graciously with a simple, heart-felt ‘thank you’.

Angel Number 1218 is a message to expect an influx of funds, a win, a promotion or pay rise. Use the extra money wisely, and remember, the more you have, the more you have to share.

If you have been considering beginning or expanding a spiritually-based career or a profession whereby you use your natural skills to serve and assist others, Angel Number 1218 may be a prompt to pursue this idea and take positive action in the direction of your desires.

Number 1218 relates to number 3 (1+2+1+8=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1217 is a blend of the energies of number 1 (appearing twice, magnifying its influences) and the attributes of number 2 and number 7. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative and instinct, achievement and success, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1 relates to new beginnings and reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 governs relationships and partnerships, encourages balance and relates to our Divine soul mission and life purpose. Number 2 also resonates with adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, consideration for others and service and duty. Number 7 adds its influences of mysticism, spiritual development and psychic abilities, an understanding of others, independence and individualism, knowledge and wisdom, endurance and persistence of purpose.

Angel Number 1217 is a number that promotes and enhances your personal spirituality and spiritual connection, and encourages you to pursue your soul purpose.

Angel Number 1217 is a message from your angels that your positive attitude, thoughts and affirmations are working and are now manifesting your wants and desires into your life. Your angels encourage you to keep up the great work you have been doing.

Angel Number 1217 asks you to continue doing the spiritual, emotional and mental work you have been doing as they are having many positive effects on your life. The angels encourage and support your spirituality and are with you for guidance and assistance whenever you ask for it. Trust that you are living your Divine path and fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission.

Life works itself out in ways that we could never have thought of, thanks to our angels.

Number 1217 relates to the karmic Master Number 11 (1+2+1+7=11) and Angel Number 11.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1216 is made up of the attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, magnifying its influences) and the energies of number 2 and number 6. Number 1 resonates with the attributes of creation and new beginnings, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. It also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, co-operation, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 6 relates to possessions, status and the monetary aspects, service to others and selflessness, home and family, love and nurturing, responsibility and reliability, honesty and integrity.

Angel Number 1216 is a message from your angels to continue being optimistic and positive about your life path. When you work with positive affirmations and visualizations you manifest your material wants and needs and attract ‘good’ into your life. Affirm in the present tense trusting that your needs have already manifested.  

Have faith and trust in the power of your positive intentions and remember that you create your own experiences and reality with your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Angel Number 1216 suggests that the diligent efforts you have put towards serving your soul mission and life purpose have been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms, and in turn you have manifested your well-earned rewards. Be open to receiving and accepting your good, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and/or new ideas. Have faith and trust in the angels, and if feeling any doubts or fears, simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Angel Number 1216 asks you to relax and allow yourself to sense the presence of your angels. Know that you are never alone.
Number 1216 is related to number 1 (1+2+1+6=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





Number 1215 is a combination of the energies of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences) and the vibrations of number 2 and number 5. Number 1 contributes its energies of courage, optimism, motivation and activity, new beginnings and starting afresh, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 adds its attributes of adaptability and co-operation, mediation and diplomacy, finding balance and harmony, relationships and partnerships, consideration for others, flexibility and grace. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose. Number 5 resonates with personal freedom and individuality, major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness.  

Angel Number 1215 is a message from your angels that the life changes you are contemplating or experiencing are for your highest good and will be of long-term benefit to you. These changes are positive and in-line with your Divine life path and purpose. Trust that your angels are with you and are available for guidance and assistance anytime you ask.

Angel Number 1215 encourages you to maintain a positive attitude and mind-set about making important changes in your life, as your thoughts and beliefs create and manifest your reality. Stay optimistic about current changes and trust that all is going to Divine plan. Adapt to changes gracefully.

Check how you truly feel about situations or circumstances in your life and use them as a guide to your next steps. If things feel right, then they are right. But, if things feel uncomfortable to you, change the situation. 
Doubt = Don’t.

Number 1215 relates to number 9 (1+2+1+5=9) and Angel Number 9.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics




Friday, September 28, 2012


Number 1214 is a combination of the attributes of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its energies), the vibrations of number 2 and the energies of number 4. Number 1 denotes initiative and striving forward, new beginnings and projects, achieving success, attainment, fulfilment and happiness. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and actions. Number 2 lends its influences of duality, balance and adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, faith and trust and serving your soul mission and life purpose. It is also the number of partnerships and relationships. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination.

Angel Number 1214 reassures you that the work, will and efforts you have made towards serving your life purpose and soul mission have laid solid foundations for your future, and has been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms. Have faith in yourself, your ideas and your intuition, and stay focused on your desired outcomes. Follow your intuition and maintain a positive attitude and a love of life. You are now manifesting your well-earned rewards and blessings.

Angel Number 1214 is a message from your angels that you are well supported by the Universe, angels and the Archangels. Give any fears, doubts and worries to your angels for healing and transmutation. Stay positive and maintain an optimistic outlook, and you will manifest your highest good.

Angel Number 1214 tells you to be open to receiving and accepting your good, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and ideas and starting afresh. Have faith and trust in yourself and the angels. If feeling any fear or doubt simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Angel Number 1214 is a message that at this point in time you are exactly where you are meant to be. Live in the moment and appreciate life’s daily miracles.

Number 1214 resonates with number 8 (1+2+1+4=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics


